
There is little doubt that most audio masters will benefit greatly from professional mastering.

Upon request, Summit Sound will provide a free consultation service for your master, and can recommend the proper mastering services, along with cost estimates, to ensure a professional finished product.

Digital mastering in it’s most basic form, is the step in manufacturing following mix-down, where this information is re-loaded into a digital workstation and a master “red book compatible” CDR (or DDP master) is created, including the “PQ” codes a CD player uses to identify selections, mutes and item timing, as well as embedded CD-text, ISRC codes and other required meta-data.

More advanced mastering can be a complex process involving additional frequency selective compression, EQ-ing, noise reduction, stereo enhancement, complex editing, and overall loudness enhancement. Mastering is typically used to match sounds or levels between tracks, or even to alter the over-all sonic content of the entire master.

The experience of Summit owner/engineer Dave Daw, who has mixed more than 2000 album projects over the past 46 years places him in a unique position as a mastering engineer – experience that is seldom matched by many others who claim to offer similar services. Dave utilizes a variety of both vintage analogue, and cutting edge digital, equipment in the mastering suite at Summit Sound Inc.

Summit Sound is able to accept your original audio master in most popular formats. Recordable CDR or USB flash drive is probably the simplest way to supply your master, however, we can also accept your master on DAT, or traditional 1/4″ – 15 ips analogue reels – or you can also upload your files to us for free via services such as: WeTransfer.

NOTE: Large file downloads and/or all supplied master formats (other than CDR or USB) that require download or conversion by Summit Sound may incur extra costs. Beware: Not everyone with a computer, a BIG hard drive, and a CD burner is a mastering engineer… (we commonly see serious damage done to perfectly good masters by people who don’t know what they are doing).

Even the basics like proper P&Q codes embedded CD text, ISRC codes and a printed log sheet are essential for track identification etc., so if you don’t really understand how to get these, it may be wise to leave this job for the mastering engineer at Summit Sound.